What are Romantic Rituals?

Romantic rituals open the way for relaxation and emotional connection. In romantic rituals, attention is the secret sauce, and conversation is king. Compliments are the keys that unlock the gates of paradise, and the kiss is like a handshake — it makes or breaks the deal.
The three keywords attention, affection, and admiration
Password: take it slow
Magic phrase: It’s all about you
Signature technique: The Goldilocks kiss
What are Sensual Rituals?
Sensual rituals awaken, animate and massage the five senses. The goal of sensual rituals is to shift attention from thinking (the head) to sensate feelings (the body). In sensual rituals, everything you hear, taste, smell, touch and feel is merged into one sexual experience. Therefore, touching is high art, music influences mood, lighting is seduction, food is foreplay, and your hands are your most important tools.
The three keywords: taste, touch, feel
Password: Savor
Magic phrase: Touch me
Signature technique: Savoring
What are Adventurous Rituals?
The goal of adventurous rituals is to break through to new dimensions of eroticism. Adventurous rituals build sex energy, tension and desire through power-exchange games, role-play and forbidden allure. Most adventurous rituals are layered in explosive tension, edgy taboo, seductive power, erotic suspense, submission and control. Note: This style requires more creativity, openness and trust between couples than any other style. However, we’ve also observed that it’s the one style that is most lacking in most marriages where passion is in decline.
The three keywords: power, control, forbidden
Password: Adventure
Magic phrase: Let’s play
Signature technique: Power exchange
What are Sacred (Mindful) Rituals?
Mindful rituals build sex/orgasm energy while deferring ejaculation. Most mindful rituals are done with eyes wide open. Couples that engage in mindful rituals don’t just want intimacy, they want transparency. Their goal is not just to have sex; they want to have a sacred sexual experience. (This is why mindful rituals are also called sacred sexuality rituals.)
The three key words: ecstasy, intimacy, love
Password: Transparency
Magic phrase: Lost in your eyes
Signature technique: Lotus control
So, there you have it — a snap shot of the four types of rituals you’ll learn in my Passionate Couple coaching session which is part of my Marriage Rehab home study course. Now, the question becomes, which style will work best for you? Which style will work best for your partner?
Here’s a little recap of the 18 Secrets to Passion Up Your Marriage…
Final Thoughts.
I believe those are questions worth finding answers to. Because if there’s one thing I can reassure you of, it’s this: While there is nothing new to learn in sex, there is a new world of adventurous, sensual and romantic rituals of pleasure waiting for you to explore.
I have an intuition about you…
The fact that you have read this far tells me you’re willing to learn what you need in order to get the results you want. That’s a great step forward. Yet, it’s not enough to read; you must also experience the reality of learning.
Because when it comes right down to it…
You might wonder, think, ponder, or be curious about the rituals, ideas and techniques presented here, but until you apply, feel, understand and experience them for yourself, my words are just placeholders.
Today could be the day you make quantum leaps in your sexual happiness. I invite you to discover this new world of Passion-Therapy for yourself. Now might be a great time to to get more information about my nextCouple’s Private 3-Day Weekend Intensive.
You want to know the best part?
It only takes a single moment for happiness to sneak into your life. All you need is a surprise breakthrough to come in and shift the equation of your relationship. I believe my Passion-Therapy coaching session could very well open the doors for that to happen for you.
Until we speak again...
Remember... Love Wins!

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